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The Modernize Mission

Built For Homeowners

Modernize is where homeowners get matched with contractors. Our website provides you with all the information you need to confidently move forward with your home improvement project, including cost estimates, how to choose everything from the right roofing material to the best bathtub, and how to vet and negotiate with contractors.

Editorial Integrity

We maintain strict editorial standards based on transparency. That means:

  • We have no affiliate links on our site.
  • We conduct thorough research to ensure information is as accurate as is possible, up to and including consulting with contractors.
  • We only publish content when we know what we can produce is more factual, easier to read, and more helpful for homeowners than what already exists online.
  • We share who wrote each page on the site and who reviewed it.
  • We survey thousands of homeowners across the United States weekly on the Modernize website. These homeowners are pursuing projects with us and our contractors. 

To learn more about where our cost estimates come from, you can click here. To meet our writers and reviewers, click here.

Modernize Has No Sponsored Content

This means our partners and companies do not compensate us to showcase their brand or products.

Instead, our editorial team provides unbiased suggestions, tips, and guidance based on research and expertise. We also develop partnerships with experts in order to provide the best advice to homeowners, and we are transparent about who that expert is and what company they represent.

Modernize Keeps Your Personal Info Private

You can access our cost calculators, interactive tools, and all of our content without ever giving us your private information. That means we will give you a real cost estimate for your project right here on the website without asking for your email address to send results to. 

We will only ask for your personal info when you are ready to be matched to a contractor, and we will only share it with up to four contractors who are available and interested in your project. 

Who Are Our Contractors?

From local businesses to national brands, we only work with contractors we love.

We interview our contractors for articles, feature them on our social media, and actively ask for reviews from the homeowners they work with to ensure you enjoy working with them as much as we do.

How Do We Make Money?

When you need a quote from a contractor and we have one we know will be a great fit, we reach out to them. If they are available, they pay us to be introduced to you. 

Modernize is always free for homeowners.